October 22, 2024 ÚÑÈí

Going Green

“Greener growth and energy efficiency will be the key words for the future development in manufacturing sector in the face of growing pressure on resources and energy costs”

In Egypt, the country faces in three major issues, limited energy sources , limited water sources & pollution. Green and low-carbon growth will be the direction of the future development for the country high-end manufacturing sector

GOING GREEN is not a luxury that only developed countries can afford. In fact, developing countries, such as Egypt, not only can apply greener environment preservations and production measures, but they must do so, in order to compete in the international markets.

Industrial sector has long been the country largest energy user, with this in mind; manufacturers across the world must identify sustainable energy solutions that will drive efficiencies.

In Flora we are very committed and conscious about the environment and the overall energy , water & pollution in Egypt, Going Green and Saving Green is part of our industrial mission. We follow six steps process to reduce carbon footprint and save energy.

  • Energy Audits
    At Flora we perform an Energy Audit which helps us better understand our energy usage and determine where our factory can go green and save money.

  • Review Machinery design
    At Flora we always ensure our new machineries are equipped with energy saving motors with the least environmental waste.

  • Raw material
    We ensure that our raw materials aren’t killing any trees or adding to the environmental damages that are caused by many other industries , we are proud to say that we export as well 100 % recycled products.
  • Lighting.
    Replacing our lighting with energy-efficient products and controls enables us to reduce energy consumption.

  • Control Heating and Cooling Costs.
    A big percentage of the energy used in a factory comes from heating and cooling costs.  In Flora we perform optimized and smart heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems which significantly impact our energy consumption.

  • Continuous Monitoring.
    By knowing and understanding our factory electrical footprint and monitoring energy usage, we track our progress toward efficiency goals as well as establish benchmarks for achievements. We update our GREEN policy and processes accordingly and ensure positive progress.

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